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Skinny Koozie


Presenting my new Skinny Koozies! These are perfect for hard seltzer cans!

If you are anything like my family, you might have a stash of koozies that you have collected over the years. These are great at keeping the sweat off of your hands and keeping your hand from freezing while holding your long as the can is a "normal-sized can." Enter all of these fun hard seltzer drinks that my family now loves. Sadly, none of the many koozies in our collection fit these cans.

My brother is mostly the only one who uses koozies these days, so I guess you could say he was the inspriation behind the design. One evening, while my dad was grilling hamburgers, my brother grabbed a seltzer to drink. I watched him put the can in a koozie and thought to myself "That's a disaster waiting to happen." The can was loose in the koozie, and I had visions of it tipping over due to lopsidedness. I also knew that, given my familiy's new obsession with seltzers, this would be a risk everytime my brother went to drink one. 

That's when I realized, I should just make my brother a koozie! Problem solved - no more wobbly, potentially spilled can for him! I wanted to try and do something super fun with the design, but after four attempts at four different designs, I decided simple is nice, too. My initial design was just straight knitting, but after thinking about it more I felt like some ribbing at the top was the way to go. I figured this made it more interesting to look at and helped grip the can so that it stayed on. I also decided to not knit all the way to the top of the can. This way users can still show-off what they are drinking AND not freeze their hand or get it all wet.

My mom liked the koozie so much that she asked me to make one for her and my dad as well. As a present, I had just knitted them all some of my coasters, so now they have koozies to go with their coasters.

I chose Dishie yarn from KnitPicks mostly because I already had it. However, I really like this yarn for things like coasters and dish cloths, so I thought it would work great for koozies as well. I already know this yarn absorbs liquid well as it is 100% cotton. While it doesn't perfectly absorb all of the cold (or heat), it provides a good enough barrier that the holder's hand will not freeze.

Overall, I'm really satsified with how the koozies turned out! I think they so the same thing as normal koozies and solve the problem of the skinny can well. I can't wait to use mine more as we get into spring and summer!

This pattern is available for purchase on Etsy and Ravelry.
Ravelry: Skinny Koozie

Happy Knitting!


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